Workshop: Insects for Feed, Food and Other Purposes
Aarhus University Centre for Circular Bioeconomy (CBIO) is hosting this open national workshop on insects. The motivation for this interdisciplinary workshop is to initiate networking and future project collaborations between different research departments, universities, and companies within the field of use of insects.

Oplysninger om arrangementet
Stakladen, Aarhus University, Fredrik Nielsens Vej 4, 8000 Aarhus
The workshop is a collaboration with departments and centres across Centre for Circular Bioeconomy (CBIO), Aarhus University - Department of Animal and Veterinary Sciences (ANIVET), Center for Quantitative Genetics and Genomics (QGG), Ecoscience (ECOS), MAPP Centre, Department of Environmental Science (ENVS), Department for Biology, School of Culture and Society (ARTS), and Department of Food Science - and we would like to invite you!
With this interdisciplinary workshop, we want to initiate networking and future project collaborations between different research departments, universities, and private companies within the field of use of insects.
The programme includes presentations from invited speakers with state-of-the-art results.
Speakers and participants are offered a booth (a high coffee table and room for a banner), and it will also be possible to bring handouts and materials to show.
09:00 Arrival and coffee
09:30 Welcome and introduction to CBIO and the workshop
09:40 Presentations:
- An anthropological perspective on insects as food
by Susanne Højlund Pedersen, AU-ARTS - Consumer acceptance of insect food products
by Pernille Nørgaard Videbæk, AU-MAPP - Optimization of insect production - case studies on houseflies and black soldier flies
by Stine Frey Laursen, AAU - Scaling Insect Breeding for Impact: where are we now?
by Laura Skrubbeltrang Hansen, AU-QGG
10:30 One-Minute-Madness
11:00 Break and networking
11:30 Presentations:
- Upscaling, challenges and opportunities for black soldier fly-production
by Toke Munk Schou, ENORM - Mealworm production in Denmark
by Dorte Svenstrup, Heimdal Entofarm - White worms (Enchytraeus) as healthy and sustainable live feed for aquacultures
by Stine Slotsbo, AU-ECO - Insect for food in developing countries
by Nanna Roos, KU - Nutritional value of insect protein in a human diet
by Hanne Christine Bertram, AU-FOOD - Adaptive responses of Black Soldier Fly to simple low-quality diets
by Anton Gligorescu, AU-BIO
12:30 Lunch & networking (There will be exciting dishes with insects on the lunch menu)
13:30 Presentations:
- FlyCloud, Entofeed
by Kim Jensen, AU-ANIVET - Microorganisms associated with breeding of insects – implication for production and health of humans and animals
by Anders Johansen & Niels Bohse, AU-ENVS - The Musca domestica holobiont: Investigating the functional properties of a reared insect’s microbiome
by Asmus Toftkær Muurmann, AAU - Insect Doctors: Insect health and diseases
by Annette Bruun Jensen, KU
14:10 Break
14:20 Presentations:
- Efforts on opening up EU feed bans
by Lis Kemezys, The Danish Food Agency (Fødevarestyrelsen) - Risks of feeding household waste
by Heidi Amlund & Annette Nygaard Jensen, DTU FOOD - Risks of transfer of livestock diseases
by Antoine Lecocq, KU - Leveraging AI and deep learning to advance insect research
by Quentin Claude Mickael Geissmann, AU-QGG
15:00 Final networking and coffee
15:30 Thank you for today!