Aarhus Universitets segl


Attitudes and behaviors shaping household food waste generation: Lessons from Developing and Developed Countries, præsenteret af Dr. Hussein Hassan.

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Tirsdag 31. marts 2020,  kl. 13:30 - 15:00


Agro Food Park 48, 8200 Aarhus N, Mødelokale 5910-116

Dr. Hussein Hassan is associate professor of Food Science and Technology. He is also the associate chairperson of the Department of Natural Sciences. He is the recipient of the George Stewart International Competition Award (2011) by the Institute of Food Technologists (USA), in addition to the Stumbo Paper Competition Award (twice in 2010 and 2011) by the Institute of Food Thermal Processing Specialists, USA. Dr. Hassan’s research has been published and presented so far in more than 30 international journals and scientific meetings.