Aarhus Universitets segl

Ph.d.-kursus: Dairy protein biochemistry and proteomics

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torsdag 14. november 2019, kl. 13:00 - fredag 15. november 2019, kl. 18:00


Fredrik Nielsens vej 4, 8000 Aarhus (MZ stuen)

The PhD course/Masterclass "Dairy protein biochemistry and proteomics" is a joint course between Aarhus University (AU) and Wageningen University & Research (WUR). Within this masterclass, you will learn about the specific features of the two main classes of dairy proteins, whey proteins and caseins. You will gain insight into the different analytical methodologies that exist to characterize dairy proteins, their variations and molecular features, like modifications. Finally, you will gain quantitative insight into the nutritional quality of dairy proteins in the human diet.

For more information, follow this link.