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It is possible to lower the amount of zinc in fattening pigs' feed to a level lower than currently permitted. This would be beneficial for both the…
With a grant of over 3 million DKK from DFF, the NovelGreen project aims to transform agriculture by identifying key traits in intercrops that…
Vice Dean Ole Hertel has announced that Centre Director Niels Halberg will be stepping down from his current position to assume a new role as Senior…
On 3 December MIXED hosted a policy workshop in Brussels ‘Mixedness in European Agriculture – hot topics for policy makers’. MIXED had invited…
Aarhus University has received a grant from the Danish Council for Independent Research (DFF) to carry out the MapTile project, led by Bo Vangsø…
Aarhus University has been awarded a grant from the Danish Council for Independent Research to carry out the RootVision project, led by Eusun Han. The…
The event is a great opportunity for companies involved in any stage along the agricultural value chain, from biomass production and livestock…
Organic sows excrete much more phosphorus than conventional sows. This is partly because their roughage intake is not considered when formulating…
A new study from Aarhus University and the University of Padua has shed light on how soil compaction affects the production and emission of nitrous…
Haja Kadarmideen was appointed as a professor of Systems biology and Bioinformatics at the Department of Animal and Veterinary Sciences on January…
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