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DCA - Danish Centre for Food and Agriculture
Climate change and agriculture
Climate change and agriculture
International alliance of researchers makes recommendations for monitoring of nitrous oxide emissions
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Climate gas emissions
New EU-funded project to make agriculture fossil free
Drones will reduce agricultural CO2 emissions
International alliance of researchers makes recommendations for monitoring of nitrous oxide emissions
Plants can reduce nitrous oxide emissions from flooded grasslands
Significant differences in the greenhouse gas balance of organic cultivation systems
New technology can significantly reduce ammonia and methane emissions from agriculture
Can nitrification inhibitors reduce greenhouse gas emissions and nitrogen leaching?
Study shows: Moderate nitrous oxide emissions from perennial grass for future bio-refineries despite high N input
Agriculture contributes to the atmosphere's sulphur content
The new professor at Aarhus University wants to decriminalise cows
A new method for pointing out resource-efficient and climate-friendly cows in practice is on its way
AU researchers study the feeding value of pulp for cattle
AU boosts its research in circular bio-economy with a new professorship
A new environmentally friendly source of protein for pigs is being tested at AU Foulum
What happens to hydrogen and carbon when the production of methane from cattle is reduced?
How does grass protein affect meat quality?
The amount of roughage has a major influence on cows’ methane production
Is seaweed a potential feed for ruminants?
A new project is to lead the way to describing the climate-friendly dairy cow
Research to reduce the emission of greenhouse gases from livestock manure
Green protein is good for pigs
Milk production affects more than the climate
Both the climate and farm economy can come out on top
Better feed efficiency and reduced methane emissions
Methane from cow burps can be reduced by a two-front approach
Crops and climate change
The importance of climate change for productivity and water consumption in global croplands
Only slight difference between climate load and nitrogen leaching between organic and conventional plant breeding
Danish plant species to prevent drought loss for billions
Researchers want to climate-proof cocoa production in Ghana
Denmark invests in climate research in Ghana
Scientists want to climate-secure vegetable production in Ghana
Building a cross-European framework for climate-smart sustainable agricultural soil management systems
Plant genomes reveal the basis for adaptation to contrasting climates
Wild plants climate-secure the crops of the future
Grassland in crop rotations is beneficial to the climate
Crops for the future climate
Climate change induced drought threatens the world's wheat production
Danish wheat must be made more resilient
New understanding of the well-being of climate-stressed plants
Removal of peatlands
Production and use of biomass
Grassland in crop rotations is beneficial to the climate
Seminar on technology for green biorefining
Biorefining can become an important part of a Green Deal for Europe
Sulphur from biogas purification is valuable plant nutrient
Great opportunities for Denmark to secure self-sufficiency in protein
Bio-based products of the future and sustainable alternatives
Optimisation of agricultural production systems for a future climate
Grass protein in foods – just around the corner, or?
Increased application of green biomass entails potential as well as challenges
Carbon storage in the soil
Carbon is still active after 20 years in the soil
The importance of beef to climate, land use and nutrition
The climate footprint of organic vegetables needs to be improved
Comparisons between organic and conventional agriculture need to be better, say researchers
Society, politics and food waste
Grant of DKK 2.8 mill. for new project on plant-based diets
AU FOOD accelerates the development of cultured meat within the framework of a new Nordic network
Climate-friendly bugotto under development
Milk and meat to be grown in petri dishes
Make the world a better place one fridge at a time
Revised 07.01.2025