In 2014, Aarhus University established a technology platform - Biobase - acting as a framework for research and development of production systems and technologies in relation to the refining of green biomass. The activities in Biobase will continue until the end of 2017.
In total, an amount of 50 million DKK will be spent on these platforms, which are supposed to provide a new basis for research in sustainable, biobased production of liquid fuels, new high-protein feed and other high-value products.
As of May 2017, much of the work in Biobase is comprised by the Centre for Circular Bioeconomy, which also covers other aspects of the bioeconomy.
This platform has focused on research in cultivation methods in relation to crop rotation areas.
This research platform has constituted the basis for research in substantiate solutions for designation, registration, harvest, collection, processing, transport and logistics, and utilisation of biomass grown on extensive agricultural and natural areas.
This platform includes laboratory and technology platforms for the development of extraction and analysis methods to support optimised fractionation of protein and other high-value compounds from green biomass.
In this platform, a pilot plant for hydrothermal conversion of biomass to fuel has been created.
Based on date from other platforms, this platform has established a foundation in order to illustrate the environmental and socio-economic consequences of an increased biomass production.
In 2013 a new project was initiated in Denmark –Bio-Value – the new value chain in the biobased society of the future; funded by the SPIR initiative. The project aims to gather a series of research environments and companies in a joint effort.