Michelle Williams continues as head of the Department of Food Science
Michelle H. Williams has spearheaded Aarhus University’s Department of Food Science since 2011, and has now been appointed head of department for a five-year period.
In the time ahead, Dr Williams will focus on work with positioning and strengthening the department in both the national and international arenas for food research.
“I feel very privileged to have the opportunity to continue my work for another five years among good and competent staff members. We’re in the midst of a competitive and challenging period that places great demands on the staff, but I experience considerable commitment, a sense of responsibility and loyalty from the staff, and a high level of competence throughout the department. I find this very pleasing and it contributes strongly to my wanting very much to continue the work ahead,” says Dr Williams.
“Since Aarhus University was reorganised and our new Department of Food Science was established, we’ve focused on unifying the department and developing a strong departmental profile and identity. We’ve tried to position ourselves as an open and collaboration-oriented research environment, both internally at Aarhus University and in relation to external working partners,” she continues.
As regards future challenges and opportunities for the Department of Food Science, Dr Williams says:
“We currently have a strong research profile and excellent collaboration with both research colleagues and industrial partners. In the coming years, we’re looking forward to strengthening our education profile by developing a new Bachelor’s degree programme in food science, which will ensure that we can attract talented young students to Aarhus University and the Danish food sector. We’re also very focused on combining the department’s two sections in Årslev and Foulum in one location in Aarhus.”
An internationally oriented leader
Michelle Williams is a citizen of both the UK and New Zealand, and she grew up in both countries. She has a background as a horticulturalist with a Bachelor of Horticultural Science degree from Lincoln University, New Zealand, and a PhD degree from the University of Sydney, Australia, followed by three postdoctoral appointments – one in Australia and two in the USA.
Her research career has taken Dr Williams to universities and state research organisations in New Zealand, Australia, the USA and Denmark, which means she can now draw on a strong international network.
She has lived and worked in Denmark since 2008, initially as a research leader in fruit production, postharvest sciences, plant production and sustainable land use and, since 2011, as head of department at the Department of Food Science.
For more information, please contact
Head of Department Michelle Williams
Department of Food Science
+45 8715 7957/8715 8335, mobile: +45 2517 0049