Join a conference on milk and health
Come and hear about the latest research in milk and health, when Arla Food for Health invites everyone interested to a conference. It will take place on 29 September, and it will be possible to be physically present at the event in Aarhus or to participate online.

On 29 September, you can hear about the latest research in milk and health, when Arla Food for Health (AFH) invites everyone interested to a conference.
The conference will take place at an Arla location in Aarhus - it can either be Sønderhøj 14, Viby or Arla Innovation Center, Agro Food Park 19, Aarhus, but it will also be possible to participate online.
In the morning, the conference is aimed at researchers who are already involved in AFH projects or who intend to send an application to AFH, but from 13.50 the doors will be open to everyone.
Researchers from Aarhus University and the University of Copenhagen will present data from AFH-funded research projects. These projects aim to understand the health effects behind dairy products and ingredients, in vitro, in-vivo and in clinical trials.
Marianne Hammershøj, Associate Professor at the Department of Food Science, will present the DairyMat project:
- Evidence suggests that the structure and texture of food affects how and how much fat and other nutrients that we absorb from it. And the focus of DairyMat is exactly this – the food structure and texture as well as its importance for the amount of nutrients absorbed.
In addition, two key note speakers have been invited: Rikard Landberg, Professor at Chalmers University of Technology, and Dariush Mozaffarian, Professor at Tufts University.
Rikard Landberg will talk about dairy products in a personalized sustainable diet, while Dariush Mozaffarian will talk about the effect of dairy products on obesity and cardiometabolic health.
See the program for the open event here
To register, please send an e-mail to - Please add if you are interested in physical attendance in Aarhus, or if you would like to participate online.