The Minister of Higher Education and Science visits Aarhus University in Foulum
Basic research activities and industrial cooperation was in focus when Søren Pind, the Danish Minister of Higher Education and Science, recently visited Aarhus University in Foulum.

About one third of the activities at DCA – Danish Centre for Food and Agriculture is financed via the agreement on research-based policy support between Aarhus University and the Ministry of Environment and Food of Denmark. This means that two thirds of the research funds come from other sources. These sources comprise e.g. funding from the Ministry of Higher Education and Science, EU funding as well as funds from cooperation with companies and industrial organizations.
Thursday 9 November, Søren Pind, Minister of Higher Education and Science, visited AU Foulum to learn more about basic research activities within the agricultural, food and bioeconomy areas.
The fact that agricultural and food research at Aarhus University continuously climbs international rankings specifically caught the Minister’s interest. According to the most recent university ranking, the DCA departments rank as no. 1 in Denmark, no. 2 in Scandinavia, no. 3 in Europe and an impressive no. 8 among universities worldwide.
Initially, the Minister was introduced to research in energy supply systems, including examples of cooperation between Aarhus University and companies such as Haldor Topsøe, Apple and others in relation to research and development of sustainable energy systems.
Next, the Minister witnessed examples of research demonstrating how sustainability, technology and intelligent solutions go hand in hand in future agriculture. Among other things, it is anticipated that, in the years to come, research in machine learning and artificial intelligence will revolutionize the current way of cultivating the soil.
Finally, the Minister was introduced to examples of food research that establish the basis for improving the quality of foods and other products.
See a video from Søren Pind’s visit. (Twitter)