Aarhus University Seal

Event archive

News from the research in plant-based fertilizers, catch crops and cultivation systems in eco-vegetables

5 Mar
Tuesday 5 March 2019, at 09:00 AU-Aarslev, Research Centre Aarslev, Kirstinebjergvej 10, 5792 Aarslev

Open grower meeting at Research Centre Aarslev. Hear the latest news from field trials.

Food Innovation Talk – See, Feel, Hear, Smell, Taste

28 Feb
Thursday 28 February 2019, at 15:00

Food Innovation Talk(FIT) is a 30 min. livestream to share knowledge and inspire to food innovation from Danish Food Cluster. This FIT is presented by…

Ph.D.-defence: Do individual cow concentrate strategies improve milk production and welfare of dairy cows?

28 Feb
Thursday 28 February 2019, at 10:00

Julie Cherono Schmidt Henriksen will defend her thesis on Thursday 28 February 2019 in the Auditorium, AU-Foulum.

PhD defence: Can beer producing barley survive against a newly established fungal pathogen in the field?

15 Feb
Friday 15 February 2019, at 13:00 Meeting room 2, AU Conference Centre, Building 1421, Frdrik Nielsens Vej, 8000 Aarhus C

Manoj Kamble from the Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics will defend his PhD on 15 February 2019

PhD defence: Denitrification in lowlands - what are we able to conclude based on low-cost mapping techniques?

4 Feb
Monday 4 February 2019, at 10:00 Auditorium, AU Foulum, Blichers Allé 20, 8330 Tjele

Christian Prinds will defend his PhD on 4 February 2019 at AU Foulum

Qualifying Exam for for Doreen Jepngetich Metto

15 Jan
Tuesday 15 January 2019, at 12:30

Doreen Jepngetich Metto will have her qualifying exam Tuesday 15 January 12:30 - 14:30 in meeting room M2.2, Aarhus C.

Title: Control of…