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Bioactive ingredients from industrial hemp will be used in new research to optimise the diets for sows and piglets, thus reducing post-weaning…
People, the environment and farm animals can benefit from cereal grains that have been bred to have increased phytase activities – an enzyme that…
Derek Victor Byrne has been appointed as professor and head of the Food Metabolomics and Sensory research group in the Department of Food Science at…
A new research project has been launched at Aarhus University to identify organic sour cherry varieties that are resistant to disease and boost the…
New research project offers a multilateral approach to examine and develop a variety of methods to ensure quality, durability and yield in organic…
The Danish National Advanced Technology Foundation has invested in an industrial postdoc project at Aarhus University to explore and develop…
Danish consumers have scant knowledge about a number of toxic chemicals in food. The toxins we know most about are those that worry us the most.
We must use our planet’s resources better if we are to provide food enough for everyone in the future. One of the options is to use plant breeding to…
With the appointment of Lotte Bach Larsen as professor in dairy protein science and manager of the research section Food Chemistry and Technology, the…
For the past five years new genetic technology has created a revolution in Danish agriculture. Productivity has increased, cows have become healthier,…
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