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PhD defence: Unleashing the potential of animal by-products – enhancing food production and minimizing environmental impacts of meat

During her PhD studies, Selma Al-Zohairi focused on exploring the enhanced utilization of animals from slaughterhouses for human consumption and the reutilization of animal by-products to mitigate environmental impacts and improve food security.

Info about event


Friday 27 October 2023,  at 10:00 - 13:00


8814-3075, Auditorium, Institut for Agroøkologi, Aarhus Universitet, Blichers Allé 20, 8830 Tjele

The assessment involved employing analytical tools such as life cycle assessment and mass flow analysis to gain a comprehensive understanding of the meat supply chain. A decision-support framework was developed to guide the optimal and most environmentally beneficial utilization of animal by-products.

The new research findings provide valuable insights into the strategic management of animal by-products. They demonstrate how such management can bring environmental and food security benefits, ultimately contributing to a more sustainable development of the meat industry.

The PhD study was completed at Department of Agroecology, Faculty of Technical Sciences, Aarhus University.

This summary was prepared by the PhD student.

Time: Friday, 27 October 2023 at 10:00
Place: 8814-3075, Auditorium, Institut for Agroøkologi, Aarhus Universitet, Blichers Allé 20, 8830 Tjele
Title of PhD thesis: Environmental impact of meat depending on animal utilization at the slaughterhouse stage – using life cycle assessment and mass flow analysis
Contact information: Selma Al-Zohairi, e-mail: selce@agro.au.dk / selce@danishcrown.com, tel.: +45 2422 6498

Members of the assessment committee:
Lektor David Styles, School of Biological & Chemical Sciences, University of Limerick, Ireland

Professor Michael Hauschild, DTU Environment, Technical University of Denmark, Denmark

Associate Professor Lars Elsgaard (chair), Department of Agroecology, Aarhus University, Denmark.

Main supervisor:
Associate Professor Lisbeth Mogensen, Department of Agroecology, Aarhus University, Denmark.

Senior researcher Marie Trydeman Knudsen, Department of Agroecology, Aarhus University, Denmark.

Language: The PhD dissertation will be defended in English.

The defence is public.

The PhD thesis is available for reading at the Graduate School of Technical Sciences/GSTS, Jens Baggesens Vej 53, build. 5221, 8200 Aarhus N.