The quest for higher wheat yields
A new study from researchers at Aarhus University and other institutions highlights how farmers worldwide can increase their wheat yields without using more land or critical resources, and crucially adapting to climate change. The researchers particularly emphasize the role of nitrogen fertilizers in significantly boosting yields.

The demand for food is rising, and with a growing global population, this trend shows no signs of decreasing. To meet the needs of the world's population, it is essential to produce more food without using additional land or depleting the planet's limited resources. Researchers from institutions all over the world have investigated genetic and agronomic methods to maximize wheat yields on a global scale.
Their findings based on testing the models on five locations with reported yield potential ranging from 5 t o15 t ha-1 and then evaluated on 34 representative locations across the world which represent about 70% of the current global wheat production area. The field experiment were from New Zealand, France, and South America.
After the global evaluation, the team (made of breeders, wheat physiologists and modelers) analysed the genetic variability and phenotypic space of sink-source traits driving high yields for a population of double haploids obtained from a cross between Bacanora and Weebil which are two high-biomass elite spring wheat cultivars.
Fact box: Double haploids Double haploids (DHs) are plants that have two identical sets of chromosomes, making them genetically homogeneous. They are produced through a process where plants with only one set of chromosomes (haploids) are generated and then treated to double their chromosome set, turning them into diploids (i.e., with two sets of chromosomes). This technique is commonly used in plant breeding to accelerate the development of pure lines, as the double haploid plants are genetically stable and do not vary in their offspring. |
The high-yield wheat varieties have untapped potential. By fully exploiting these varieties, potential yields could increase to 18 tons per hectare, compared to the 8-10 tons per hectare for the current highest-yielding varieties.
Professor Davide Cammarano from the Department of Agroecology at Aarhus University, a participant in the study, explains, "These high-yielding varieties exhibit substantial genetic potential. When combined with appropriate agronomic practices, we can significantly enhance global wheat production."
Nitrogen fertilization: the key to higher yields
One of the study's critical discoveries is the importance of nitrogen fertilization. Researchers found that high-yielding wheat varieties utilize nitrogen much more efficiently than standard varieties. These new varieties have a nitrogen use efficiency that is 17% higher, producing up to 42 kg of grain for every kg of nitrogen used, compared to 36 kg for standard varieties.
"Optimizing nitrogen use is a significant step towards more efficient and environmentally friendly farming practices," says Davide Cammarano, “In our study, the collaborative work among breeders, physiologists, and modelers, helped to evaluate what happens when the improved sink and source traits increased yield by 16% with current nitrogen fertilizer applications under both current climate and mid-century climate change scenarios. The high nitrogen use efficiency of these high-yielding ideotypes would reduce the environmental footprints of wheat management.”
Climate change impacts on wheat yields
The study also focused on climate change and its impact on global wheat production. The results show that climate change can have both positive and negative effects, depending on the region. For instance, some areas in Northern Europe might experience increased yields due to longer growing seasons and higher CO2 concentrations. Conversely, parts of Africa and South Asia may see declining yields due to higher temperatures and water scarcity.
Davide Cammarano emphasizes the importance of developing regional strategies that consider local conditions: "A thorough analysis of nitrogen needs must take into account agronomic, genetic, environmental, and socio-economic factors at the local level to find sustainable solutions."
Innovative solutions for a sustainable future
To meet the increasing demand for nitrogen fertilizers without exceeding the planet's limits, the researchers recommend that those high-yielding genotypes need to be combined with several innovative farming practices. Some suggested solutions include:
Biological nitrogen fixation from legumes
Use of nitrification inhibitors
Improved access to resources and markets for farmers in nutrient-limited areas, such as Sub-Saharan Africa
"Improving resource access and implementing innovative methods like biological nitrogen fixation can help balance high yields with environmental sustainability. These are key elements in meeting the rising global demand for wheat," says Davide Cammarano.
The study, published in the journal Nature Plants, provides insights into methods that can enhance global wheat production and manage future nitrogen needs. By focusing on genetic improvements, innovative methods, and the impacts of climate change, the researchers believe that sustainable higher wheat yields can be achieved.
Collaborators | Aarhus University, University of Melbourne, INRAE, Columbia University, Goddard Institute for Space Studies, University of Florida, Leibniz Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research, University of Bonn, Brandenburg University of Technology, Austral University of Chile, KWS Momont Recherche, CIMMYT, University of Buenos Aires, New Zealand Institute of Plant and Food Research Limited, ARVALIS, University of Lleida, Catalonian Institute for Research and Advanced Studies, University of Sassari, University of Florence, CSIRO Agriculture and Food, University of Guelph, University of Göttingen, University of Potsdam, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Wageningen University, China Agricultural University, and Technical University of Munich. |
External funding | This study was part of the Agricultural Model Intercomparison and Improvement Project (AgMIP) Wheat Phase 4. The experimental work conducted at Valdivia, Chile by J. Herrera (UACh) is appreciated. P.M. and S.D. acknowledge support from the metaprogram Agriculture and forestry in the face of climate change: adaptation and mitigation (CLIMAE) of INRAE. This work was supported by the French National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and Environment (INRAE); the International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT) and the International Wheat Yield Partnership (IWYP, grant IWYP115 to P.M., S.A., and F.E.), CIMMYT, and the Chilean Technical and Scientific Research Council (CONICYT-ANID) through FONDECYT (grant 1141048 to D. Calderini); the Foundation for Food and Agricultural Research (to M.R.); the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) through the BonaRes project ‘I4S’ (grant 031B0513I to K.C.K.); the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic through SustES - Adaption strategies for sustainable ecosystem services and food security under adverse environmental conditions (grant CZ.02.1.01/0.0/0.0/16_019/000797 to K.C.K. and C.N.); the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation) under Germany’s Excellence Strategy (grant EXC 2070 – 390732324 to F.E. and T.G.) and the Collaborative Research Centre DETECT (grant No. SFB1502/1–2022 -450058266 to T.G.); the JPI-FACCE MACSUR2 project, funded by the Italian Ministry for Agricultural, Food, and Forestry Policies (grant 24064/7303/15 to R.F. and G.P.) and the SYSTEMIC project funded by JPI-HDHL, JPI-OCEANS, and FACCE-JPI under ERA-NET (grant 696295 to R.F. and G.P.); and BMBF in the framework of the funding measure ‘Soil as a Sustainable Resource for the Bioeconomy—BonaRes,’ project BonaRes (Module A): BonaRes Center for Soil Research, subproject ‘Sustainable Subsoil Management—Soil3’ (grant 031B0151A to A.K.S.) and COINS (grant 01LL2204C to A.K.S.). A.C.R. received support from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Earth Science Division grant for the NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies Climate Impacts Group. J.-P.C. and J.-C.D. received support from the CASDAR and Intercéréales funds. |
Conflict of interest | None |
Link to the scientific article | The publication “Global needs for nitrogen fertilizer to improve wheat yield under climate change is available in Nature Plants. It is authored by Pierre Martre, Sibylle Dueri, Jose Rafael Guarin, Frank Ewert, Heidi Webber, Daniel Calderini, Gemma Molero, Matthew Reynolds, Daniel Miralles, Guillermo Garcia, Hamish Brown, Mike George, Rob Craigie, Jean-Pierre Cohan, Jean-Charles Deswarte, Gustavo Slafer, Francesco Giunta, Davide Cammarano, Roberto Ferrise, Thomas Gaiser, Yujing Gao, Zvi Hochman, Gerrit Hoogenboom, Leslie A. Hunt, Kurt C. Kersebaum, Claas Nendel, Gloria Padovan, Alex C. Ruane, Amit Kumar Srivastava, Tommaso Stella, Iwan Supit, Peter Thorburn, Enli Wang, Joost Wolf, Chuang Zhao, Zhigan Zhao, and Senthold Asseng. |
Contact information | Professor Davide Cammarano, Department of Agroecology, Aarhniversity. Tel.: +45 93522545 or email: |