Aarhus University Seal

Professor Hildegarde Heymann gives her inaugural lecture

In august 2019, Professor Hildegarde Heymann, University of California, Davis, who is a world-leading expert in sensory science, was appointed as Honorary Professor in “Advanced Sensory Methodologies for Innovation in Food Quality” at the Department of Food Science at Aarhus University. On February 25, 2020 she will give her inaugural lecture.


 “Adventures with Descriptive Analysis and Rapid Methods” will be the topic, when Professor Hildegarde Heymann gives her inaugural lecture at the Department of Food Science on February 25, 2020. She elaborates:

- In this inaugural lecture, I would like to talk about the past, the present and the future of sensory science. How did we get here, what are we doing or not doing today, and what does that mean for the future of our science?

The lecture marks a five-year appointment as Honorary Professor at the Department of Food Science, which came into force on August 1, 2019. With the appointment, the Department of Food Science will strengthen its already existing relations to the University of California, Davis and continue to develop its leading international research profile in sensory science.

Professor Hildegarde Heymann is the world-leading expert in the field of key sensory science methodologies in relation to food quality. In particular, her research focuses on the use and optimization of the measurement methods that exist in sensory science and the way that we perceive and experience foods. This includes everything from food design to basic improvement of measurement methods as well as data analysis and research into the context in which human perception takes place. All in relation to food quality for a healthier diet.

For more information, contact:

Head of Department Michelle H. Williams
Department of Food Science, Aarhus University
Email: mw@food.au.dk
Phone: 2517 0049

Professor Hildegarde Heymann
Department of Viticulture and Enology, University of California at Davis
Email: hheymann@ucdavis.edu