Biorefining can become an important part of a Green Deal for Europe
Green biorefining can contribute to both rural growth, a more sustainable agriculture and European self-sufficiency with plant protein. The perspective for the common agricultural policy is in focus at a webinar held in collaboration with the European Parliament.

The European Commission has launched the "European Green Deal", which intend to make EU climate neutral by 2050. In order to achieve this, several policies must be rethought. This include a modernization of the Common European Agricultural Policy (CAP) and even more green sustainability in the European Research and Innovation Program, Horizon Europe.
A common goal across policy areas is to ensure the least possible climate and environmental impact from agriculture and at the same time support sustainable growth and development in rural areas and in food production in general.
- However, new, innovative solutions are needed if the goals of the common European agricultural policy are to be met, says Senior Researcher Uffe Jørgensen, who heads Aarhus University's Centre for Circular Bioeconomy (CBIO). He points out that green biorefining has the potential of becoming an important element in both the CAP and Horizon Europe.
Research at Aarhus University and other universities has shown that the cultivation of perennial green biomass crops reduces the use of pesticides, leaching of nitrogen and the climate impact of agriculture Research has also shown that plant protein extracted from green biomass via biorefinery can replace imported soy. In addition, the establishment of local biorefineries will create growth in rural areas.
On this background, CBIO invites European decision makers and other interested parties to a webinar on the prospects of biorefining for a modernized CAP.
The webinar is held in collaboration with the European Parliament, the European Commission and partners from European industries and research institutions.
The webinar will take place on Tuesday 17 November at 15.00 - 16.30.
The meeting was originally scheduled to take place in the European Parliament building in Brussels. However, due to COVID-19, it has become necessary to move the meeting to a virtual platform.
The webinar will be followed by another webinar on 3 December focusing on new innovative technologies enabling biorefining of green biomass for protein and other biobased products. Here, the target group will specifically be companies and experts working in the field.
It is free to attend and both webinars are open to anyone interested.
More information
Senior Researcher Uffe Jørgensen, Head of Aarhus University's Centre for Circular Bioeconomy (CBIO). Email: Mobile: 21337831
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