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A new joint project between Aarhus University and DuPont Nutrition & Health will lead to a better understanding of the effect of probiotic bacteria…
The familiar yellow oilseed rape growing in Danish fields is normally used for oil production and animal feed. The breeding of new white-flowered…
A new calculation tool developed by Aarhus University, the Knowledge Centre for Agriculture and Agro Business Park can help improve the use of biomass…
Behavioural scientists from Aarhus University have previously shown that a visit from a dog can have a positive effect on the elderly and people with…
Scientists from Aarhus University will be closely examining the content of healthy carbohydrates in cow's milk and whether it is possible to breed…
Can food production be increased without putting natural resources under more pressure? This was the central question when Aarhus University and the…
The concept “New Nordic Food”, which promotes specifically Nordic ingredients and culinary traditions, will probably remain a niche, and in the long…
Aarhus University is among the world’s best in agricultural research according to the latest NTU Ranking.
Scientists have reviewed the literature to discover if there are undesirable bacteria and other microorganisms on edible seaweed from the Danish…
Commercial horticultural greenhouses in Denmark have in recent years been good at saving energy and in this way protect the environment from emission…
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