Aarhus University Seal

Anne-Luise Skov Jensen


Senior consultant, MSc. Agricultural Science

Primary affiliation

Anne-Luise Skov Jensen

Areas of expertise

  • Crop production
  • Animal production
  • Climate and environment
  • EU project management support

Contact information

Telephone number
Email address

Job responsibilities

Science advice services at DCA, which has the primary contact with the  Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Fisheries of Denmark, the Danish Ministry of Climate, Energy, and Utilities and the Danish Ministry of Environment.

Coordination of the science advice, which the ministeries continuously request in within the area of agricultural production and climate at DCA/Aarhus University. This includes committee participation, international task in EU-projects, 

 sagsbehandling, forhandling af nye opgaver, forventningsafstemning, kvalitetssikring af rådgivningsleverancer. 


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